African American
Golfers Hall of Fame

Celebrating the Accomplishments
of Yesterday While Paving the Way for Tomorrow

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Welcome to the official website of the African American Golfers Hall of Fame, Inc. (AAGHOF)

Take as much time as you wish.

We hope that this site will serve as an additional resource to provide a deeper historic perspective about the African American involvement in the game of golf since indeed the 1800s. We want you to use this site to see just how deep our “roots” have been and are in “growing the game of golf.”

We have and will identify those who made it possible for us to enjoy this great game called “golf.” We will honor and celebrate those who have gone before us and those who are currently making their mark. We will make sure that our youth golfers “raise the bar” even higher and stay on the right course so that one day, they will also have a hall of fame (AAGHOF) to enter.

All of our junior golfers, scholars, corporate supporters, teachers, weekend golfers, and others have said: “If it is here, it must be right.” Tell your friends and neighbors that this site has a lot of “real good golf information” about the past and shows our vision for the future. Contact us with new history and positive ideas. Thanks for visiting us! Come back again!

Malachi Knowles
Founder, AAGHOF

Our Mission and Goals

AAGHOF Mission Statement

The purpose of the African American Golfers Hall of Fame (AAGHOF) is to celebrate and honor the history and achievements of African Americans in the game of golf.


1. To establish a place where the rich, colorful, and proud history of African Americans in golf is specifically showcased and displayed for the world to see.
2. To work diligently to find, review, and honor those African Americans who have made a lasting and positive contribution to golf and to their communities.
3. To provide an interactive educational learning experience for all young and
senior golfers.
4. To acquire and assemble the most comprehensive collection of African American golf memorabilia in the world.
5. To purchase land and build a permanent African American Golfers Hall Of Fame and Inner City Youth Golfers Clubhouse.

Inner-City Youth Golfers introduce new generation to golf at Hall of Fame event (Read the full article)

African American Golfers Hall of Fame & Inner City Youth Golfers Clubhouse Brick Campaign

Inner City Youth Golfers, Inc. (ICYG) is on a mission to add value to its community through golf, especially with our youth! In the immediate future is the African American Golfers Hall of Fame and Inner City Youth Golfers Clubhouse (AAGHOF & ICYG Clubhouse) which will provide a continuous home for “growing the game of golf!”

The AAGHOF & ICYG Clubhouse will be built at 125 W. 13th Street, Riviera Beach, FL. We hope to break ground by or before the third quarter of 2023. 

~Please help by donating to our cause~

Click on the picture or this link to order a Brick on line:

Click to order by mail:

AAGHOF & ICYG Clubhouse Brick order form

Click to watch AAGHOF video

Enjoy our Hall of Fame!

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